Linkplay Cloud Service

Linkplay Cloud Service provides secure, stable, and fast cloud services to customers worldwide.

Linkplay currently powers 5 million+ audio and smart home devices from 100+ brands.

The Linkplay Cloud is built on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This provides you with the most secure, feature rich, scalable cloud services from storage, security and database services and machines learning and more.


Linkplay Cloud offers:

  • IoT Cloud Real-time MQTT messaging

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  • User and device management

  • Data analytics (device activation rate, daily active user, user behavior analysis, etc.)

  • Data security

  • IoT SDK

Advantages of Linkplay Cloud

Ready to Use | Exclusive Features | One-Stop Shop

Linkplay Cloud Dashboard

The Dashboard is your smart products control center. Make your smart devices more intelligent through voice commands and customize it to meet your needs.

Improve Business Intelligence

  • Learn what functions are mostly used with the product

  • Learn user behavior

  • Understand logic on the targeted customers

Improve User experience & Customer support

  • Collect failure diagnostics and apply OTA fixes before customer reports

  • Remote customer support based on product log and device cloud

  • Continuously improve App UX and firmware with OTA service based on user interaction with device


Link your smart home products, car charger products, wireless voice devices, speakers to the Linkplay Cloud.